
My other snuggle buddy!

Me and EmmaMae

Me and EmmaMae
Hell yes I am whipped, she is the princess

Wyatt and I

Wyatt and I
ya we are BADASS

Listen to your heart!

Listen to your heart!
How often do I not do this? my heart is almost always right but my brain gets in the way and says slow down what are you doing? My heart has never let me down even when it has been broken and out for the count, it still beats on and gives me clarity and truth for all of life and its many blessings


Time is never waisted, it is only used the best way we know how in the moments that it is granted!


Look for the beauty in yourself, and find the beauty in others! I dont like that man! I guess I will have to get to know him better! Pres. lincoln

Just some words

I have made this blog so my little family will be able to see that when they are not with me I am always thinking of them! You are never far and I will always be your daddy and friend!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


yes I am finally done,
moving on, moving forward
I am very open have two great kids, a very cool girl friend!
So lets get to it,
Lisa is amazing I never knew what it was like to truly be loved by somebody with out condition or expectations, I love that she allows me to be me with no strings attached, she and I are very clear on our relationship not knowing what may happen tomorrow, but being here and in the moment! If anybody's question is: Is she the one? I have no idea, but for right now she is the one for me, next week next month or next year that may change, but just living in the moment!
Kids yes I am so lucky to get to see my kiddo's as much as I do, even when I don't see them rarely a night go's by when I don't talk with them.
Wyatt and I are going to the studio too cut a track tomorrow, I am so excited not just for him but for me to share one of my passions with him, and he is so good and so talented.
EmmaMae, can I just say wow that little girl keeps me on my toes all of the time! I wonder does she know fear?
I am not sure who she gets that from!! :)
She loves to sing so much and look forward to the days when she records her own music, both kids have such amazing gifts.
I guess they have me and there mommy to thank for that.
I am so blessed to have had so many experiences through my life but allot in the last few years, I no longer feel like I am held back from anything because of responsibility's or duty's to be a certain person.
Even if I crack my head or break something, it just is and I can say ya I did that!
Fear is not a option and as I push through my fears I find more of me!
And yes I am so done talking about my Ex wife Jana, I am so grateful for the kids and lessons she has given me and only wish her the best, we are kind of talking so that's good. As I expressed to her let us just be parents this does not mean we have to be friends, and we can just raise our kids with nothing more than love. Then when its court day, gloves come off and game on but I feel that this is working very well and wish her everything in life that she deserves!
On too me, yes I took a little spill and got my bell rang, so onto the doctors, the only thing it did was slowed me down a little, it can not keep me down, still have allot planned for summer! So be ready for some crazy ass pictures of what may come!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A daddys love!

My two little angels,
Thank you for allowing me to be your daddy, I know things may not all add up right now but one day I hope they will all make sense. Emma when you told me yesterday you liked it so much better when me and mommy were together, I agree I did too! Sometimes people just fall away from each other. Nobody to blame your mommy and I are doing the best we can. You two I know will always be apart of my life, our bond and love for one another is unbreakable! I am so honored to be your daddy and one day when you are big and will understand this will all maybe make more sense. I am looking forward to our moments in life!!!!!!!
If you two only knew the strength you have given me and the desire to want to be a better man and daddy for you, You may never and that is OK.....
I love you two with all of my heart and soul, and you may not know but you two are what keeps your daddy's heart beating every second!!!!!!!!!
I had in the past not made some very good choices for me, but now just want to be the daddy who you deserve.....
Once again in time I will let you know why I made choices and hope that you may find a way to learn from some of the choices that I have made.
Life is fragile and a heart is fragile so I will take care of mine for you two for now, but maybe one day for me.
Thank you for allowing me to be your daddy, thank you for choosing the right, for allowing me and mommy to be your parents, your lives will get to look a little different then what me and mommy originally planned, you two will always be loved.
Hold to the rod and be strong like you have been!
Looking forward to the moments...........
Love you

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My life

My life is not always glorious it has its ups and downs just like every body else, I have loved a woman with all of my heart and soul I think that is why it still hurt. I close my eyes and see my family and all that i have had and lost, and all that I will have again. I have made many mistakes been lazy, a hard worker. Anything is possible even change if you do not except your fate and move like a hero through life you will be that in the eyes of a child. I have lived with passion and desire, taken many chances. grown bigger then I could have ever imagined. I have two of the greatest kids that a father could ever hope for. I have some wonderful friends and allot of people who I know. I have a grate smile, a big heart and a laugh and sense of humor that draws people to me. I can sing Like a bird and I must say talent does not escape me. I am a good friend and hope one day to be a better one. My princess left me to go and live her happy ever after, and I wish her all of the joy and happiness that she seeks. I have allot of regrets but none that I cannot over come with the help of my heavenly father, I have loved to my very depth my family and my in-laws I now see how much they truly meant to me in my life. I have worked hard on image but now know that my image has got me to where I am today. I have cryed tears, a broken heart, but they are a small price to pay for my Life.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Loving you kiddo's

I just wanted to write you guys today and let you know that I love you. I look so forward to Saturday night! I am so lucky to be your daddy!
Thank you both for playing with me so much.
I love playing House, and Barbies, and baby's with Emma
I love playing Games and tag and Hide and seek with Wyatt
I am so proud of both of you, you are the greatest kids that I could have ever asked for, so thank you for choosing me as your dad!
Remember that our heavenly father watches us and is always with us.
I love you both so much and miss you!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wyatt and Emma

Thank you so much for spending time with your daddy! You two are my heart song and I am so grateful to call you mine. You were such a big help moving all of the stuff over to the new house. Both of you packing and packing helped me out so much, so thank you! I so enjoy our time together and will look forward to so many wonderful years with you, I am the luckiest dad in the whole world.
I had so much fun with you all week and so look forward to the day when you are back with me again. I love each of you so much and I am so proud of you both. Please listen to mommy she loves you and cares about you too, and I still support her when she tells you what to do. We are both doing our very best for you right now and want you to know how much we love you. I love you guys and look forward to picking something out of the fun jar next time you are with me! Well not the next time cause next time we are going to go plat Lazar tag. So listen to your mommy so we can do these fun things. She will let me know if you cant so you better be good!
I love you guys so much and I already miss you even though I only dropped you off 20 minutes ago!
Love you

Thursday, February 25, 2010

For Wyatt my little man'

Little tears fall from those little eyes,
Heart on you sleeve is no disguise,

So loving and so sincere,
Don't lose that sensitivity that comes through so clear,

My Little man,
Only eight years old,
Will soon grow up,
to be brave and bold,

Pushed around like a broom on the street,
Not knowing any different, so feeling complete,

Becoming a man will very soon follow,
With hope of a better day and a brighter tomorrow,

So right now just be my Little man,
Be sensitive and strong and do all that you can.

I love you so much "BUG"
You are the person who I look up to so much. I want you to know when you are not with me you are never far from my heart. I am so proud of you Wyatt and all that you are! You and your little sister and mommy have truly been my greatest teachers in life.
Love you

My little princess EmmaMae:

My little princess;
It is a honor to be your daddy! I thank our heavenly father that you are mine, and I get to share my life with you. As I watch you swinging on the monkey bars and climbing up the slide the wrong way. I know that this will not last for long.You soon will grow up and life will pass us by. You will start growing up and start living a life of your own, but I will always be your daddy with nothing but love for you. Your tiny hands will do so many things, hold a love and an angel of your own. The places those little feet will take you through your journey of life. They will walk you down the street, to the school bus, into a class room. They will dance, they will walk you into trouble and then right back out. They will walk you down the isle when the time is right. Did I mention that smile? " I melt" looking just like your mommy my queen and you are my princess, you can capture anyone at anytime with just a look. Love your bog brother, he loves you! I know that I will not always be the most important man in your life. I hope that is true, that way I know that me and mommy for sure showed you how to love another. I will always be watching and loving you. So for right now I will watch you play and grow! So live, laugh, love, and play on my princess of mine!
Love your Daddy.

Perfect is my little Emma,
Her tiny hands play,
Her little feet run,
Flowing brown hair,
Face like a angel,
Looking just like your mommy,
Full of mischief,
You have me wrapped around your finger,
So loving,
So pure,
So happy and full of life,
You snuggle me close,
Sharing your blanket, Wanting me to hold you tight,
Loving me for being you daddy, So Lucky am I.