
My other snuggle buddy!

Me and EmmaMae

Me and EmmaMae
Hell yes I am whipped, she is the princess

Wyatt and I

Wyatt and I
ya we are BADASS

Listen to your heart!

Listen to your heart!
How often do I not do this? my heart is almost always right but my brain gets in the way and says slow down what are you doing? My heart has never let me down even when it has been broken and out for the count, it still beats on and gives me clarity and truth for all of life and its many blessings


Time is never waisted, it is only used the best way we know how in the moments that it is granted!


Look for the beauty in yourself, and find the beauty in others! I dont like that man! I guess I will have to get to know him better! Pres. lincoln

Just some words

I have made this blog so my little family will be able to see that when they are not with me I am always thinking of them! You are never far and I will always be your daddy and friend!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

For Wyatt my little man'

Little tears fall from those little eyes,
Heart on you sleeve is no disguise,

So loving and so sincere,
Don't lose that sensitivity that comes through so clear,

My Little man,
Only eight years old,
Will soon grow up,
to be brave and bold,

Pushed around like a broom on the street,
Not knowing any different, so feeling complete,

Becoming a man will very soon follow,
With hope of a better day and a brighter tomorrow,

So right now just be my Little man,
Be sensitive and strong and do all that you can.

I love you so much "BUG"
You are the person who I look up to so much. I want you to know when you are not with me you are never far from my heart. I am so proud of you Wyatt and all that you are! You and your little sister and mommy have truly been my greatest teachers in life.
Love you

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